Tuesday, November 19, 2013

JDeveloper Extension To Suppress Warnings

The JDeveloper auditing framework can be a very valuable tool in delivering high quality code. It not only gives you warnings and errors during development, but can also be run from the command-line on a build server. One thing that always annoyed me is the limited possibilities for suppressing individual warnings. Sure, there is the @SuppressWarnings annotation for Java code. JDeveloper 12c can even use this annotation to suppress any warning, not only the ones supported by the java compiler.

However, much of an ADF (or SOA) application is XML files, not java. JDeveloper 12c doesn't offer a way to suppress warnings in these files. Luckily the auditing framework is highly pluggable and after some inspection how the @SuppressWarning annotation is implemented in the auditing framework, I could create something similar for XML files.

Suppressing a warning in a JSF file

The screenshot above shows how the extension works. See the warning for the value property of the af:outputText component and how it marks this entire document as warning. Simply click the balloon in the gutter of the editor and select to suppress this warning. This adds a comment to the XML file to suppress the warning, very similar to a @SuppressWarnings annotation in java.

Suppressed warning in a JSF file
Notice how the document is now marked green an no more warnings appear. With this extension you can keep the number of warnings down so the real warnings get the attention they need.

I have plans on building a SonarQube extension to run ojaudit (the command line JDeveloper auditing tool) to keep track of your quality. Suppressing warnings can be especially valuable in that situation where you can use SonarQube to keep metrics and track unexpected warnings and errors.

The extension is already live, so simply start JDeveloper 12c and use the Help > Check for Updates feature. Be sure to check "Open Source and Partner Extensions". You should be able to find the "Suppress Audit Warnings" extension. Please leave a comment below if you have any questions or suggestions for a future version.

If you want to see how a custom suppression scheme is built you can download the full workspace or simply browse the subversion repository to look at the source code.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Overriding Entity doDML or prepareForDml Causes Locking Issues

It is not uncommon for people to override the doDML or prepareForDml method in an ADF BC Entity to do some additional work just before posting changes to the database. The official documentation even describes this extension point as being an equivalent to the Oracle Forms Post Processing triggers.
Today I discovered this can lead to locking issues in the database when this additional work changes other view objects or entities. The investigation is based on JDeveloper version and this behavior might differ for other versions.

Update Nov 14: The issue doesn't reproduce in ADF Inspecting of the source code seems to indicate (unpublished) bug 11896369 is to blame. Currently working with Oracle support to further investigate and ask for fix backport to

Update Jan 2: Oracle development acknowledged this behavior is caused by bug 11896369 and a backport request has been filed to bring the fix to

Update Jan 10: Patch 11896369 is now available for download.

Let's start with an simplified example of an entity mutation another one. Below is the doDML method of the Department entity. Whenever a change happens to a department it sets the commission of its first employee to 99%. Not a very likely business scenario, but enough to demonstrate the issue.

protected void doDML(int i, TransactionEvent transactionEvent) {
    RowIterator employees = getEmployees();
    EmployeeImpl firstEmployee = (EmployeeImpl)employees.first();
    try {
        firstEmployee.setCommissionPct(new Number(0.99));
    } catch (SQLException e) {
        throw new JboException(e);
    super.doDML(i, transactionEvent);

What we also need is a entity level validation on Employee that will be violated by this change. For demonstration purposes I've setup a range validation for CommissionPct to be between 0.00 and 0.50:
Entity-level Validation Rule

Now let's build a very simple ADF page to change a department and try to save the changes to the database. Here is what happens:
Validation Error in ADF Application

Everything appears to be okay. The user is confronted with the validation error as expected. But now let's try to update the same record from a different database session:
Database record locked after validation exception

Friday, November 8, 2013

Vodafone Content Tampering Making Sites Very Slow On Wi-Fi

I've had issues with this blog sometimes being very slow on my iPhone when using Wi-Fi. I finally figured out what is going and it seems like Vodafone (Netherlands) are to blame.

I noticed my browser is trying to download which never succeeds on Wi-Fi. A whois search seems to indicate the entire address block is invalid and shouldn't be used on the public internet. All traffic to this address block is dropped along the route and it takes the browser (or TCP/IP stack) a full minute to give up and continu loading my blog. Strangely enough downloading this script on a Vodafone NL 3G connection does succeed.

But why is my client requesting this bizarre URL? It is actually part of http://googleads.g.doubleclick.net/pagead/blank.html which is used on my blog pages. When requesting this page over a Vodafone NL 3G mobile connection the content of this blank page is:
<html><script src="" language="javascript"></script>
<body style="background-color: transparent"></body></html>

There it is; this blank.html page contains a script tag to load the mysterious resource from When requesting this same blank.html from my Wi-Fi connection I get a trully blank page:
<html><body style="background-color: transparent"></body></html>

You don't really notice the difference while your are on Vodafone NL 3G network. Your browser will download the file from and the site seems to function okay. But what happens when your device (re)connects to Wi-Fi? Google sends response headers with blank.html telling your browser it is okay to cache the page for 24 hours. So your device will simply use the cached (tampered) version of blank.html it retrieved through Vodafone's network. But now you are on Wi-Fi and your device can't load the file from and the site is dead slow.

Okay, this is bad, but let's hope the problem clears after 24 hours. After all your browser is only allowed to cache the tampered blank.html page for 24 hours. Unfortunately the problem doesn't disappear after 24 hours. This is caused by Google sending an ETag response header with blank.html as well. An ETag is an opaque identifier assigned by a web server to a specific version of a resource found at a URL. If the resource content at that URL ever changes, a new and different ETag should be assigned. Google sending an ETag is a good thing, but Vodafone is altering the content so they should also change the ETag. Unfortunately they don't so your browser is caching this altered version under Google's original ETag. So even when the cache expires after 24 hours and your browser is asking for a fresh copy of blank.html it will include the ETag with this request. Whether you are on Wi-Fi or 3G, Google will always respond that blank.html hasn't changed since your request includes their original ETag. This instructs your browser to keep using the (tampered) cached version. In the end, you are stuck with the altered version of blank.html until you clear your browser cache.

Vodafone is altering pages I request from the internet and to make things worse they are altering them in such a way that these pages won't work outside of their network while allowing my browser to cache this crippled content. This really sucks! I want the real internet and not some crippled version! Vodafone support is acknowledging they are injecting javascript through a transparent proxy. They state the only way to get rid of this is to use a different APN setting on your mobile device which first has to be activated for your account through technical support. This sucks big time! Sure I can get my account fixed, but who knows how many more people are running into this issue without ever figuring out what is going on.

Hopefully this rant can help others understand what is going on when they see this failed downloads from the or IP address.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Decimal Comma with Numeric Keypad as ADF Client Behavior

According to wikipedia 24% of the world's population uses a comma as decimal separator, including The Netherlands where I live. This means entering numeric information with the numeric keypad on the keyboard can be challenging. You can only use it to type a decimal point (.) while we need a decimal comma (,). To make things ADF simply ignores the decimal point in our locale. When a user enters 1.23 it is converted to 123 and wrong information is entered into the system.
Numeric keypad decimal point

We came up with a solution based on a custom ADF Behavior tag. I've recently posted how to create your own ADF (client side) behavior. The first post was a simple version without properties, while the second post expanded this example with properties. Now it is time for the sequel showing how you can handle key presses in an input item and replace any decimal point keystroke with a decimal separator (possibly comma) keystroke. The user can simply use the decimal point on the numeric keypad and when using a European locale it will simply type a comma.